Women leadership training programme held in Dimapur

Peace Channel organised its two-day 4th training programme under the theme “peace mission” in colonies such as Padampukhri and Sachu Colony.

A press release by peace channel media team stated that the training focussed on engaging women in discussions pertaining to the importance of peace and well-being of the society.

It was also aimed at initiating their advocacy in various activities to foster healthy approach while communicating with mutual understanding. 

Over 18 selected women from Sachu colony and over 20 women in Padampukhri attended the training under the leadership coordinator, district unit, Peace Channel, Caroline Leisan. 

Sharing the vision, “make a world where there is love and peace and justice”, the coordinator shred that the mission of Peace Channel was to reach out to the people in every nook and cranny to promote peace.

General secretary, Nagamese Baptist Church Association, Mhabeni Ngullie also called for spreading the message of peace and assured support to Peace Channel in their endeavours in the future.

Meanwhile, women team leader, Rita Gosh expressed her satisfaction of the initiative of Peace Channel and shared that neighbours have developed closeness and cordial relationships within the society.

The programme initiated women in their respected localities to seek insight and to promote a peaceful resolve on challenges existing in their society.

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