Relief and medical supplies send to Ukraine by India

After Russia had launched a full-blown invasion in the Ukraine, India is sending humanitarian aid and medical supplies to Ukraine. The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that 300 civilians including at least 14 children have been killed so far.

100 tents and 2,500 blankets send by a team of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) to the Indian Air Force’s Hindon airbase. Then it will be sent via a flight to Romania from there. Romania is the neighbouring country of Ukraine. The flight has been scheduled to leave at 10:15 hours.

More relief material also set to depart from Delhi to Poland at 11am and 1pm on 2nd March by flight. The consignments loading were already done last night.

The Ukrainian airspace shut due to the Russian invasion. The Indian government has been ferrying Indian citizens to the Romanian border. The evacuated Indians are then taken to the capital Bucharest which is a nine hours drive from the border. Then they board an Air India flight which takes off to India.

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