Employee laid off by Meta gets a job offer from Google

After experiencing layoffs from Meta in April, just shy of her third job anniversary, Hou Zhuoni Hermione achieved her long-held ambition by receiving a job offer from her dream company, Google, five months later.

Hermione, who worked as a project sourcing manager at Meta in Singapore, expressed her gratitude for being employed by Meta during the pandemic and being treated well by the company. However, her real dream was to work at Google rather than Meta.

“Some of you may have heard me joke about Google being my dream company because the commute would be less than a 15-minute walk. Well, the dream is coming true without a 16+ hour flight instead of commuting,” she shared in a LinkedIn post.

In her new role, she will serve as Regional Commodity Manager for EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), with her base of operations in Dublin, Ireland.

“It almost feels like the first time I’ve ever been abroad, and I’m happy to wear the same shoes I did when I was 20. I’ll do my best, and it’ll be fun,” Hermione commented.

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