India Yamaha Motor held a meet & greet event for over 1000 employees on the eve of MotoGP Bharat 2023, at its Surajpur Plant in Uttar Pradesh. The event showcased the world-class talents of Yamaha’s racing stars, providing a unique interaction opportunity.
The Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP riders, including the illustrious Fabio Quartararo and Franco Morbidelli, engaged in spirited discussions about their journey in the thrilling world of MotoGP, shared insights on their racing strategies, and signed autographs, leaving the intrigued Yamaha employees with cherished mementos of this unforgettable evening.
The event strengthened the bond between riders and their Indian fanbase, showcasing Yamaha’s dedication to bringing MotoGP excitement to the region. Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP riders and India Yamaha Motor expressed gratitude for the support and vowed an exciting MotoGP Bharat 2023 race.