‘World consumer rights day’ observed across the state: Nagaland

Organisations and institutions observed “world consumer rights day” on March 15 with an aim to raise awareness on consumer rights and to spread awareness about the common concerns of consumers.

MPCS Ltd. Changtongya: Multi Purpose Cooperative Society (MPCS) Ltd. Changtongya in collaboration with the Department of Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection (LM&CP), Kohima organised “world consumer rights day” was observed at Changtongya town at GA rest house Changtongya town. 

According to DIPR report, theme speaker SDO (C) Changtongya, Moakumzuk Tzudir highlighted on the importance of the day and the rights of the consumer. He informed that the government protected all consumers in the country under the new Consumer Protection Act 2019 and encouraged all to spread the awareness of consumer right.

The programme was chaired by MPCS Ltd Changtongya, secretary YN Alem who also delivered the welcome speech while vote thanks was delivered by chairman MPCS Ltd Changtongya, O Purlemba. 

NVCO: Kohima Law College (KLC), Nagaland Voluntary Consumers’ Organisation (NVCO) and Association of Kohima Municipal Wards Panchayat (AKMWP) jointly organised the event under the theme “tackling plastic pollution” at KLC. In a release, NVCO press & media cell stated that during the programme, AKMWP president, Neibule Kiewhuo encouraged the citizens to submit their grievances to AKMWP so that the association which represents the citizens of KMC jurisdiction would take up their grievances with the concerned authorities.

Speaker of the programme, KLC assistant professor, NVCO president, Kezhokhoto Savi said that the subject of consumer protection was of vital importance for every citizen and that provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 2019 were compensatory in nature and applied to all goods and services.

Unless specially exempted by the central government, he said that it covered all the sectors whether private, public or cooperative. Savi said that consumer education had become vital irrespective of the economic status, young or old, literate or illiterate and stressed on the need for every consumer to be aware of his/her rights and responsibilities. 

Earlier, the programme was led by Berta Tep with invocation by Iheigumle followed with speeches where assistant professor, Moasenla presented the year theme, “tackling plastic pollution” followed by Lungrangpeong Nza on food safety and Rovimeno Nakhro on the object of the Act. Later, vote of thanks was proposed by Rovimeno Thoii.

MMC: Mount Mary College (MMC), Chümoukedima observed the event organised by department of Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection (LM&CP), Dimapur.

A press release by the college stated that special invitee of the programme was Dr. M Chuba Ao, national vice president, BJP & Chairman, MARCOFED, SDO (C), Chümoukedima, Thejavizo Nakhro exhorted the gathering and LM&CP Dimapur assistant controller, Limatoshi Jamir spoke on the theme “tackling plastic pollution.”

Meanwhile, LM&CP inspector, Khevishe Z. Zhimomi chaired the programme, MMC administrator, Lipokchiten Jamir pronounced invocation, special number by MMC student, Vizovituo Tacü and benediction by assistant professor, MMC Imlikokba.  A report on the activities of voluntary consumer organisations was given by a member of consumer rights organisation, Nagaland. The function was attended by college students, teachers, consumer societies of Dimapur and staff of the department of LM&CP.

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