WhatsApp has announced a new feature designed to enhance user safety in group messaging. The context card, now being rolled out, provides users with crucial information when they are added to a group by someone unfamiliar. This includes details such as who added them, when the group was created, and by whom.
The introduction of the context card is aimed at helping users make informed decisions about staying in or leaving a group. This is particularly beneficial for users who might have recently met someone or a new group of people and haven’t saved their contacts yet.
The feature acts as an additional verification step to ensure users are comfortable with the groups they join. Building on WhatsApp’s existing safety measures—like silencing unknown callers, chat lock, in-app privacy check-up, and group addition controls—the context card adds another layer of security. It mirrors the current 1:1 messaging experience where users receive more context about unknown contacts. As the feature rolls out, users in markets like Siliguri, where WhatsApp usage is prevalent, will benefit from this enhanced security measure. Local users have expressed appreciation for such updates that help maintain privacy and safety in digital interactions.