‘We will ban 3 types of games in India’: Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar on online gaming

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the Union Minister for IT has told ANI that the fresh guidelines has been introduced to ban three types of online gaming system in India. According to the new guidelines, within ninety days of the laws’ introduction, certain Self-regulatory organisations, will now have to approve online games.

The announcement follows the revelation of a sizable conversion racket that was using online games as a platform to persuade children into converting to a certain religion.

The government has already created a plan for the impending restrictions, Chandrasekhar informed ANI. The Minister said, “We have established a framework related to online gaming for the first time, in which we will not let three forms of games in the nation. The nation will ban games that constitute gambling, can be dangerous to the player, or have an addiction aspect.”

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