VMentor.ai joins forces with Wadhwani Foundation

While the not-for-profit Wadhwani Foundation, through its initiative Wadhwani Advantage (WA), is known for systematically empowering SMEs to get on an accelerated growth track, through its global funding, world-class frameworks and consulting tools and trainings, VMentor.ai has been consistently empowering MSMEs to deliver 10X business growth with its world-class, tech-enabled, human-intervened mentoring platform. VMentor.ai and Wadhwani Foundation join forces for strategic collaboration.

The MSME-accelerator alliance will offer specialized and subsidised mentoring by industry veterans to eligible MSMEs, with a revenue turnover between Rs 5 crore and Rs 100 crore, unlocking their potential for growth quicker and with a more strategic outlook than what the MSMEs’ own capacities would have allowed. The combined frameworks and tools of the two mentor organizations would allow a Do-It-Yourself (DIY), a high-impact delivery model for smaller companies and an adviser-led consulting and project management delivery model for larger companies.

VMentor.ai and WA will work together to scale up the MSMEs who would be eligible for their specialised mentoring products and services. The best practices of each of the partners would be leveraged for the MSME sector – intellectual property, market outreach and networks, execution talent and processes. It would also lead to a community platform where MSMEs can access hundreds of knowledge assets, courses and master classes.

Dr Srinivas Chunduru, Founder, VMentor.ai, said, “Leveraging other platforms of VMentor.ai such as Yugma (Platform for Students of Engineering and MBA) will help create the right ecosystem for MSME growth.”

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