Vladimir Putin says that Russia ready for diplomatic solutions

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is ready for ‘diplomatic solutions’ but the country’s interests are ‘non-negotiable’. Russia’s recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine as ‘independent entities’ triggered global alarm with western nations.

President Putin said that, “I consider it necessary to take a long-overdue decision to immediately recognize independence and sovereignty of Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic.”

He also showed Ukraine’s history in an alternative version that reveals that it was always a part of Russia. Ukraine has its own thousand-year history.

Putin congratulated Russia’s military and said that he was certain of their ‘professionalism’ and that they would stand up for the country’s interests.

EU foreign ministers met to consider sanctions of their own including financial penalties levied against Russian banks. 

The UK has already announced its first tranche like Canada and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called Russia’s actions as ‘an attack on democracy’.

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