Vi Business announces IoT Smart Central, revolutionizes IoT asset management

Vi Business, the enterprise arm of Vi, has launched Vi Business IoT Smart Central, a cutting-edge, fully integrated platform for IoT asset management. This self-care platform enables businesses to enhance efficiency by remotely connecting, controlling, and managing their IoT assets through a unified dashboard. The Vi Business IoT Smart Central stands out with its future-proofing capabilities, offering integrated IoT connectivity and device management on a single platform. The platform allows flexible integration with third-party applications, streamlining the management of IoT assets seamlessly.

Amit Satpathy, EVP, and Head IoT Business, Vodafone Idea, expressed that with the growing adoption of IoT, Vi Business IoT Smart Central is a natural progression, enabling enterprises to compete in a smart and connected world. The platform provides a transformative end-to-end solution, empowering enterprises to centrally manage, control, and monitor connectivity options for IoT devices across industries and use cases. Notable features include real-time diagnosis, remote troubleshooting, and a dynamic billing model with tailored rate plans based on usage patterns. Sandeep Kumar, Director, Revolt Motors, highlighted the platform’s role in reducing operational costs, enhancing visibility, and automating operational workstreams.

Vi Business IoT Smart Central marks a significant leap in IoT technology, providing a business edge with predictive maintenance features, faster query resolution, and seamless lifecycle management. Vi Business, a dominant player in the IoT segment, continues to expand its footprint across India, serving over 4000 IoT customers with diversified portfolios. The launch aligns with the government’s initiatives like Digital India and Make in India, fostering a conducive environment for IoT growth in the country. Vi Business aims to help its customers reduce unplanned downtime and improve operational efficiency through continuous innovation and skilled professionals.

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