Varanasi announces $9M Challenge to Innovate Crowd Flow Management Globally

Varanasi, as part of the Toyota Mobility Foundation’s $9m Sustainable Cities Challenge, is calling for data-driven solutions to enhance safety for the millions of pilgrims visiting the city annually. The Varanasi Challenge is looking for solutions that will allow the city to better manage the growing influx of annual visitors, while making the city more accessible for tourists and local residents, particularly older people and people with disabilities.

Varanasi, India’s spiritual capital, is home to the ancient city of Kashi, a significant pilgrimage site, but its dense urban fabric raises safety and overcrowding concerns. Varanasi, a city in India, is inviting global innovators to create crowd management solutions for its ancient Kashi spiritual center, as part of the Sustainable Cities Challenge. The selected innovators will receive $3m in funding.

The Varanasi city is launching an initiative to test user-centered solutions for safety and accessibility in Kashi, Varanasi’s old city. The initiative, designed by Varanasi and Toyota Mobility Foundation, is supported by Challenge Works and the World Resources Institute. The goal is to improve safety and accessibility for pilgrims, tourists, and vulnerable groups. Shri. Akshat Verma IAS, Municipal Commissioner, Varanasi Municipal Corporation, said, “We are very excited to be involved in the Sustainable Cities Challenge. Millions of people visit Varanasi every year for religious, spiritual and touristic activities alike. Our leadership is committed to make Kashi safer and more accessible for all.”