Update on ONGC pipeline maintenance status

ONGC has taken immediate action to prevent further oil spills in Kharaghar, Sivasagar District, as a result of a pipeline leakage. Upon receiving a message from the local villagers on the leakage at Kharaghar on July 8, 2023, at 7:30 AM, ONGC, Assam Asset responded to the situation on immediate basis. On identification of the leaking line, all the connected wells were closed promptly and the affected line was isolated as a precautionary measure.

Leakage repaired in three hours; ONGC’s maintenance team initiated cleaning process. ONGC, as a socially responsible corporate, has consistently prioritised safety throughout its operations. ONGC prioritizes safety culture, prioritizing people’s well-being over financial gains, implementing extensive measures to protect residents in operational areas from accidents and mishaps.

The pipeline causing the leakage has been replaced, with 6 km of the 7.5 km Charali- Changmaigaon corridor laying down. The remaining 1.5 section has recently obtained Right of Use, and work is progressing to lay down a new pipeline within the stipulated timeline. The safety of the environment and local community is our top priority, and we remain committed to upholding the highest standards to prevent future incidents.

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