Uber cabs install safety screens

Ride-hailing giant Uber on Wednesday that it will install safety screens or safety cockpits in 20,000 Premier sedans for the safety of riders and the drivers. As per Uber, the safety cockpits are protective ceiling-to-floor transparent plastic screen, which is installed between the passenger and the driver. This would help people follow the social distancing norms within the confines of the cab.

The safety screens or the “safety cockpits” would minimize the interaction between the two parties hence reducing the risk of contracting the deadly coronavirus. The safety screens will be initially available in Premier sedans but Uber has plans to expand it to other categories as well.

Pavan Vaish, Head of Central Operations, Uber India and South Asia, said, “At Uber, we are constantly defining transportation safety standards and take all possible precautions to ensure the safety of both riders and drivers. After pioneering safety cockpits in the Indian market, Uber teams will continue working around the clock to leverage its technology and global expertise for continuing to innovate the best possible product experience for all our drivers and riders.’’

Uber had developed a special technology called the Go Online Checklist, which will be used to confirm whether a driver has taken necessary safety measures or not and whether he is wearing a mask or not.

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