Truke, India’s leading TWS brand, has launched the Truke Clarity Five, India’s first Calling Centric True Wireless Earbuds. This advanced 6-Mic ENC technology ensures flawless calls without environmental noise, providing clear, precise, and sharp sound quality. Clarity Five will be available in black colour on, Flipkart and at a limited offer price of INR 1499. The special pricing presents an incredible opportunity for individuals to upgrade their audio and communication game without breaking the bank.
The Truke Clarity Five is designed for seamless connection and engagement, providing crystal clear calls for business conversations, music, and gaming sessions. It features Six-Mics Advanced Environmental Noise Cancellation (Adv. ENC) technology, ensuring unparalleled clarity in noisy environments. The Seamless Dual-Connectivity feature allows users to switch between devices, ensuring an uninterrupted audio journey.
The Truke Clarity Five also offers Extended Playtime of up to 80 hours with a charging case, making it ideal for extended journeys and extended listening sessions without constant recharging. Pankaj Upadhyay, Founder and CEO, Truke, said, “We eagerly await the positive reception of this new series, as customers recognize and value our dedication to making innovative technology accessible and enjoyable.”