Tips to Protect Against Flu this Winter

This season, experts have cautioned that Flu burden could be significant, due to a worrying phenomenon of ‘immunity debt’ worldwide. This is the lack of exposure to common viruses because people were social distancing and wearing masks over the past two years. Now, with pandemic restrictions lifted, the population’s susceptibility for influenza infection is estimated to have increased by 10 to 60 per cent.

To protect against the flu, here are 3 steps you can take: 1. Get yourself and your family fully vaccinated – follow the pediatric vaccine schedule for children, and get an annual flu shot for adults. 2. Wash your hands regularly using soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer. 3. Increase ventilation in rooms, and mask up in crowded public spaces.

 In case you get the flu, here are 4 simple ways to manage symptoms this winters, Stay at home and rest, Drink plenty of fluids and Consume a good amount of seasonal fruits like oranges, pomegranates, strawberries and more, as well as winter vegetables like spinach and sweet potatoes and take Steam. Dr.JejoeKarankumar, Medical Affairs Director, Abbott Indiacommented, “This is important not just for children, but for at-risk adults as well, to extend the layers of protection against influenza, across the population.”

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