This time Tristar Panchayat has 62 thousand 404 Gram Panchayat seats. 9 thousand 498 Panchayat Samiti seats and 928 Zilla Parishad seats. That means the total number of Tristar Panchayat seats is 72 thousand 830.
Exactly when the panchayat elections are currently the most popular question among the public as well as the political circles of the state. Duare government’s tenure has already increased till the end of this month. So it is expected that the announcement of the date of polling may be in early May. According to a section of the political circles, there is a high possibility of panchayat polls in the state by the end of May itself. But until the Election Commission gives any indication, there is no room to say anything for sure. However, the Election Commission is sitting in a special meeting amid the election buzz. It is known that on April 18, the State Election Commission will hold a meeting with various district administrators of the state. It is known that the commission is going to hold a meeting with the district administrators regarding the preparations for the upcoming panchayat polls. Incidentally, at the end of last month, the Calcutta High Court cleared the panchayat elections. And at the beginning of this month, the Supreme Court also got the green signal. The Supreme Court observed, we cannot obstruct the polls. Incidentally, 62 thousand 404 Gram Panchayat seats in Tristar Panchayat polls this time. Panchayat Samiti seats are 9 thousand 498 and Zilla Parishad seats are 928. That is, the total number of seats in Tristar Panchayat – 72 thousand 830. Meanwhile, the opposition parties raised the issue of organizing elections with the state police. The state had to witness unbridled violence from the nomination phase to the counting of votes during the 2018 panchayat organized by the state police. Subhendu Adhikari filed a public interest litigation in the Calcutta High Court regarding panchayat polls. Basically he raised questions about the decision of census of OBCs. However, the Calcutta High Court’s division bench of Chief Justice Prakash Srivastava and Justice Rajarshi Bharadwaj informed that the High Court will not interfere with the Panchayat elections. The State Election Commission will take the decision in this regard. Then Subhendu Adhikari went to the Supreme Court challenging the order of Calcutta High Court. But last Thursday, the bench of Chief Justice DY Chandrachud said that we cannot stop the voting. It is quite important. Shubendu also dismissed Adhikari’s application
The State Election Commission held meeting with the district administrators