The Birds and Bees Talk program in 6 NE states

With ADRA India, Reckitt (the global leader in consumer-healthcare) celebrated ‘World Health Day’ in 6 states of North-Eastern India under the Durex led Birds and Bees Talk program. Carrying the message of ‘building a fairer, healthier world’, the students took a pledge to keep their bodies safe, clean and healthy.These events were attended by respected and inspiring delegates, Mr Agawane Rohan Ramesh, Additional District Collector, West Sikkim,  Mrs. Anusha Lama, Chief Medical Officer, Dr.Nitali Lepcha from AYUSH- Ministry of Health & Family Welfare- Sikkim, Mr. MyakanThamoung, DPO, DVBDCP, Mrs KoingSamonUmbon, DDSE Arunachal Pradesh, Chau MatongManpoong, Village Head of GaonBura Arunachal Pradesh and Dr.Lalhmangaihsanga, Clinical Consultant, Mizoram, Miss P.Dkhar, Adoloscent counsellor, Civil Hospital, Shillong.

An interactive session was conducted by Mr SadamHanjabam (the founder of Ya-all, a youth lead NGO in Imphal) on theme “Building a fairer, healthier world.” Children of Bright Morning Star orphanage participated in the Walkathon along with The Birds and the Bees Talk team in Nagaland. This year’s theme of World Health Day is Building a fairer, healthier world. Durex led, The Birds and Bees Talk program has developed an innovative, engaging curriculum designed to address the information gap around Young people’s Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights and provide them with a comprehensive life skills curriculum that addresses Power, Protection and Pleasure.

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