The authorities forgot to book hotels for the airmen at night

The Air India authorities forgot to book hotels for the flight crew. They wandered the streets all night, looking for a place to stay. Finally, early in the morning, accommodation was arranged at a training center. But there were also complaints that there was a lack of suitable accommodation. Air India authorities have assured to look into the whole matter.

It is known that an Air India flight landed in Hyderabad last Wednesday night. After the duty is over, the staff on that plane is informed of the hotel in which they have been accommodated. They reached the respective hotel like that. But he got into trouble when he went there. They were informed that no booking was made by Air India!

The flight attendants were already tired due to the long flight. Meanwhile, they went to the hotel and got bored, not getting a room to stay in. They could not understand where they would go that night. Communicate with higher authorities. The whole matter has been reported. After that, the authorities made new accommodation arrangements for the airmen. Early in the morning, they were sent to Air India’s flying training facility, CTE.

As soon as the incident came to light, the uproar subsided. A journalist posted about the matter on social media. Besides, the journalist published pictures of the CTE, where the airmen were accommodated. It was claimed that the airmen were allowed to stay in an ‘unsuitable’ environment.

In this regard, Air India spokespersons said in a statement that they are always committed to the well-being of their employees and providing the best service. The reason for such an incident will also be investigated. Action against the culprits is also assured.