Tata Motors, India’s leading automobile manufacturer, has launched its second Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility (RVSF) in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The facility, named ‘Re.Wi.Re – Recycle with Respect,’ was inaugurated by Smt Tukuni Sahu, Hon’ble Minister of Water Resources, Commerce & Transport, Government of Odisha. The advanced facility uses environmentally friendly processes and can safely and sustainably disassemble 10,000 end-of-life vehicles annually. Tata Motors’ Empreo Premium partners with Empreo Premium to launch the RVSF, a sustainable initiative to scrap end-of-life passenger and commercial vehicles.
At the launch of Tata Motors’ Re.Wi.Re RVSF in Odisha, Smt Tukuni Sahu, Hon’ble Minister of Water Resources, Commerce & Transport, emphasized the importance of sustainable development in the country. Smt Tukuni Sahu said, “We applaud the commitment of Tata Motors and all parties involved in bringing this project to fruition while urging our citizens to unite with us in our pursuit of a cleaner and greener future.”
Re.Wi.Re. is a digital facility for environmentally friendly vehicle dismantling, offering seamless operations and dedicated stations for safe disposal of components like tires, batteries, fuel, oils, liquids, and gases. Its meticulous documentation promotes sustainable practices in the automotive industry.