Tata Motors has registered a growth by 21% over last year

Tata Motors Limited sales in the domestic & international market forNovember 2022 stood at 75,478 vehicles, compared to 62,192units during November 2021. The sales performance ratios are as such given, The Domestic sales performance was recorded the growth by 27%.

The sales has been registered as sales for Total Commercial vehicle for M&HCV has been recorded mass growth of 42% which is the massive growth in the sale, where as  SCV cargo and Pickup was moving down with less sale of -17%. Domestic sale of MH&ICV in November 2022, including trucks and buses, stood at 11,896units, compared to 10,213units in November 2021.

Total sales for MH&ICV Domestic & International Business in November 2022, including trucks and buses, stood at 12,673units compared to11,909units in November 2021.  Again in the sale for passenger vehicle the growth was massive and the growth was hike by 55%. It includes sales of Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited, a subsidiary of Tata Motors Limited.

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