Sony LIV has released the teaser for its upcoming love story series, ‘Pehla Pyaar: <1% Chance,’ set to premiere on August 5. This enchanting series promises to capture the magic of first love with rain-soaked meet-cutes and heart-fluttering moments. The series features fresh talents Arista Mehta and Krish Rao in the lead roles of Nandani and Murlidhar.
Crafted by master storyteller Dilip Jha and produced by RnD Films, ‘Pehla Pyaar’ is poised to take viewers on an emotional rollercoaster. The showrunner, Ritesh Modi, ensures a captivating experience that explores the whimsical charm of school romance.
As the storm of emotions is set to sweep viewers off their feet, Sony LIV invites everyone to surrender to the irresistible charm of ‘Pehla Pyaar.’ Prepare to rediscover the essence of love with this new series, exclusively on Sony LIV.