Sony came out with its new 4K HDR OLED televisions A8H series in India. The A8HOLED TV is available in164 cm (65) in a very slim form factor. The TV is powered by self-illuminating pixels which are precisely and individually controlled by the picture processor X1 Ultimate. It provides crisp, high-contrast and true-to-life picture. This processor showing amazing versatility also scales up SD (Standard Definition) and HD (High Definition) content to near 4K picture quality. BRAVIA A8H will be available across Sony retail stores (Sony Centre and Sony Exclusive), portal, and major electronic stores and exclusively on Amazon e-commerce portal in India from 5 November onwards, at best buy price Rs 279,990.
The high-powered processor in this 4K OLED TV creates a beautiful picture in total harmony with sound, all from a stunning one-slate design. With Pixel Contrast Booster, colour and contrast are enhanced in bright areas so one can enjoy their TV viewing with full of lifelike shades and hues, more depth, fine texture and the pure black contrast. This unique Sony technology ensures more shades and tones of colour for natural-looking detail and realistic textures.