Sony BBC Earth has announced the launch of  ‘Earth Champions’

Sony BBC Earth has launched its ‘Earth Champions’ property, which will be available as 3-minute capsules on the channel starting November 6, 2023. The property, which began as an Instagram live session, will take viewers on an extraordinary journey through nature’s kaleidoscope.

Sony BBC Earth’s ‘Earth Champions’ program highlights the impact of individual actions on positive change, honoring and celebrating real-life heroes each month who tackle issues like forest restoration, waste management, water and air purification at personal, household, or community levels.

The inaugural episode features ‘Mr. Jadav Payeng’, the Forest Man of India, who transformed barren lands into thriving man-made forests and received the Padma Shri award for his selfless efforts. Jadav Payeng, Reforestation Hero and Padma Shri awardee, The remarkable ‘Forest Man of India’ said. “It fills my heart with joy and gratitude to witness the power of collective action creating a lasting impact that benefits our planet.”

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