Sony AATH, a leading Bengali entertainment channel, has announced the world TV premiere of Gopal Bhar’s movie, ‘Goyenda Gopal – Shesh Chakranto’. The movie follows the saga of conspiracy, with Gopal Bhar taking on the role of a detective to save the King and the Kingdom.
Produced by Ssoftoons Pvt. Ltd, the movie is set in the pre-independence era, with East India Company trying to enter the country. The movie portrays the ongoing power tussle between Robert Clive and the Nawab of Murshidabad, and Maharaj Krishnachandra’s involvement in establishing his claim on the throne.
The movie is set to premiere on Sony AATH on November 12, 2023, at 11:00 AM. Sony Pictures Networks India’s Chief Marketing Officer, Tushar Shah, expressed gratitude for the incredible love and response received for Gopal Bhar’s debut movie and aims to add more drama, suspense, and humor to the film.