Skoda Auto India’s sub-4m SUV, Kylaq, has earned a prestigious 5-star safety rating in the Bharat NCAP crash tests, establishing itself as the safest car in its segment. This marks the Kylaq as the first Škoda vehicle to undergo Bharat NCAP testing, continuing the brand’s safety legacy.
The Kylaq achieved 30.88 points in Adult Occupant Protection and 45.00 points in Child Occupant Protection, making it a standout in the compact SUV category. Equipped with six airbags and over 25 active and passive safety features as standard, the vehicle prioritizes passenger safety.“Safety is intrinsic to Škoda’s DNA,” said Petr Janeba, Brand Director, Škoda Auto India. “Kylaq’s rating is a testament to our commitment to delivering European safety standards tailored to Indian roads.”
In Guwahati, the Kylaq is anticipated to attract safety-conscious buyers seeking robust and innovative engineering for urban and suburban driving. Its hot-stamped steel construction, Electronic Stability Control, and advanced crash management system align with Kolkata’s challenging road conditions, making it a compelling choice.The Kylaq joins Škoda’s lineup of 5-star-rated vehicles, including the Kushaq and Slavia, underscoring the brand’s leadership in automotive safety. Built on the MQB-A0-IN platform, the Kylaq represents Škoda’s focus on excellence in the Indian market.