Sensitization on Covid-19 vaccination for Tuensang police: Nagaland

Sensitization on Covid-19 vaccination for the police personnel was conducted on February 22 at 3rd NAP auditorium hall, Tuensang.

In a press release issued by DMO Tuensang, Apheang stated that District Immunization Officer (DIO), Dr.Thungchanpeni briefed the police personnel on Covishield vaccination and stated that Covishield vaccine was given to health care workers in first phase and second phase to frontline workers.

She asked them not to believe in any rumors and fake messages on social media and requested them to take the vaccine. She stated that, the Covishield vaccine would not be used for anaphylaxis, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. She further informed the police personnel to sensitize about the covishield vaccination in their respective units.

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