Rupjyoti Kurmi accused for commenting on Taj Mahal

A local lawyer of Assam has filed a complaint against BJP MLA Rupjyoti Kurmi in at a local police station in Assam.

According to the reports, Rupjyoti Kurmi, BJP MLA has urged PM Narendra Modi to demolish Taj Mahal and build temples instead on 4 April. The local lawyer against the statement given by the MLA filed a FIR as Taj Mahal is one of the prides of the country, India.

“We are aware that the Taj Mahal is run by the Central government, which protected under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958. Moreover, the UNESCO has recognised the Taj Mahal in the year 1983 as World Heritage Site. The aforesaid statement of Mr Kurmi is very communal and anti-national which may create social unrest and may cause disturbance of communal harmony at any moment,” advocate Taijuddin Ahmad wrote in the FIR.

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