Role of Nutrition in Combatting Muscle Loss

Muscles are essential for daily life, providing functions like walking and running. Adults lose up to 8% of muscle mass per decade, and after 70, the rate can double. Advanced muscle loss, also known as sarcopenia, results in significant loss of muscle mass, strength, and function. Prof. Dr Agam Vora, Senior Consultant Chest Physician and Medical Director at Vora Clinic, Mumbai has compiled with some tips on how to optimize your muscle health through proper nutrition as you age.

1.            Muscle Health as an Important Health Indicator- Muscle strength can predict cardiovascular disease risk more accurately than systolic blood pressure. High muscle mass in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) leads to better respiratory outcomes. Advanced muscle loss or sarcopenia can lead to adverse health outcomes, including poorer quality of life, more surgical complications, lower physical function, and lower survival.

2.            The Link Between Muscles and Immunity- Fortifying immune system and minimizing infection risk are crucial for good health. Muscles are essential for a strong immune system, and maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for overall health. Incorporating lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, and low-fat dairy in meals boosts immune function and provides essential micronutrients. Advanced muscle loss can lead to adverse health outcomes.

3.            Role of Protein in A Muscle-Strengthening Diet- To maintain muscle mass and overall health, consider adding beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) to your daily protein intake. Start the day with a high-protein breakfast, such as eggs, beans, and fruit. Enjoy an afternoon snack, a protein-rich maincourse for lunch and dinner, and end the day with a protein-packed snack like chia pudding.

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