Reliance Jewels, a renowned name in the jewellery industry, is delighted to announce the launch of its highly anticipated “Vivaham Collection” – an exquisite range of wedding jewellery designed to make every bride feel like a queen on her special day no matter what strata of life one comes from. This collection pays homage to the diversity and elegance of regional brides across India, capturing their unique styles and inspirations.
The Vivaham Collection is a collection of 15 distinct bridal looks, each representing a different part of India. It features a wide range of designs in chokers, long necklaces, bangles, rings, earrings, choker sets, mangalsutra’s, mangtikka’s, naths, hathphools, waistbelts, armbands, bracelets and more.
It will be available at Reliance Jewels stores across India from the end of May 2023, coinciding with the peak wedding season. Mr. Sunil Nayak, CEO of Reliance Jewels, said. “While every piece in this collection is meticulously crafted, with attention to detail and superior craftsmanship, we are offering the brides a complete bridal look so that they shine like a queen on their D day.”