Prime Minister launches International Big Cats Alliance

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the program ‘Commemoration of 50 years of Project Tiger’ at Mysuru University on Sunday. At this Commemoration, PM Modi also launched the International Big Cats Alliance (IBCA), which is line with the PM’s clarion call from 2019 to form an Alliance of global leaders with the aim of firmly curbing poaching and illegal wildlife trade in Asia. “Wildlife protection is not a one-country issue but a universal one,” PM Modi added.

The IBCA will focus on conserving the world’s 7 major big cats and will comprise of countries that are home to these big cats. The aim is for member countries to share their experiences and best practices in conserving the big cats so that fellow countries can act quickly and build the right capacity for conservation. In this regard, PM Modi said, “Together we will save these species from extinction, and create a safe and healthy ecosystem”.

Furthermore, he highlighted that the cheetah became extinct in India decades ago. The Prime Minister mentioned the first successful trans-continental translocation of a big cat referring to the cheetahs that have been brought to India from Namibia and South Africa. He recalled that 4 beautiful cheetah cubs have been born in Kuno National Park a few days ago. He stressed the importance of international cooperation for the protection and prosperity of biodiversity.

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