PM launches Jan Andolan for Covid19 awareness

The Covid19 awareness campaign (Jan Andolan) launched by the Prime Minister with a tweet this morning was supported by the people of Assam from all spheres today. Eminent personalities of state hail the initiatives taken by the central government.

On this occasion noted film actor Adil Hussain urged the people to wear mask, maintain social distance to keep the Coronavirus at a bay as the lockdown has been relaxed by the government but the society is not free from the virus. He further asked people to follow all the guidelines given by the health department to keep themselves free from the infection of Coronavirus.

Popularsinger, filmmaker, actor Jubeen Garg appeals to the people of Assam to follow all the precautions to fight against COVID-19. He also urged the people to avoid large public gathering and public places to contain the spread of coronavirus. 

Likewise Olympian Gymnast PadmashriDipaKarmakar appeals to the people  to wear mask, follow all precautions to fight against COVID-19.LovlinaBorgohain boxer from Assam also joined the andolan and urged people to follow the rules and regulations to contain the spread of COVID-19.

 Similarly Fashion Designer GarimaSaikia, popular actor Arun Hazarika and Siddhartha Sharma also supported the Jan Andolan and asked people to follow the social distance strictly and wear face mask properly.

As a part of the launch of the campaign, the officers and staff of Press Information Bureau and Regional Outreach Bureau, Guwahati took COVID19 awareness pledge. Similar exercise was undertaken in all the offices of Press Information Bureau, Regional Outreach Bureau, All India Radio and Doordarshan in all the states of the North East Region today.

 Covid19 Awareness campaign is a massive exercise for behavioural change and includes awareness drive on social media, electronic media, print media and public spaces at national level. The timing of the campaign coincides with the coming festival season in various parts of the country and aims at three central messages – use of masks, hand washing and social distancing.  A concerted awareness activities will be implemented by various departments of the Central and state government.

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