The announcement by Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang that the Dzongu constituency in Sikkim will soon be converted into a free Wi-Fi zone is a significant step in improving the region’s digital connection. During his speech at the Namprikdang Namsoong Festival in Upper Dzongu, the Chief Minister emphasized the government’s initiatives to improve internet connectivity throughout the state, guaranteeing advantages for both locals and tourists. “This initiative reflects our commitment to fostering progress and providing equal opportunities for all,” he added. The news follows the successful rollout of a similar project led by Minister NB Dahal in Rabdang hamlet in the Singtam-Khamdong constituency, where free Wi-Fi was installed.
In addition, CM Tamang emphasized the value of maintaining traditional legacy in addition to contemporary developments and asked the populace to work together for Sikkim’s progress. It is our collective privilege to preserve our cultural heritage. Together, let’s embrace the instruments of change that will guide us into the future while also honoring and preserving the customs that make us who we are,” he said. The Dzongu free Wi-Fi project is a component of the state government’s broader plan to close the digital gap, particularly in rural areas, and promote the cultural and economic development of the area.