Palm oil is a versatile and widely used vegetable oil globally

Palm oil, derived from the oil palm tree’s fruit, is a widely used vegetable oil with diverse applications. Originating in West Africa in 1875, it was introduced to South-East Asia for ornamental purposes, making it a crucial player in the global agricultural and food industries. Presently, Indonesia and Malaysia collectively account for more than 85% of the world’s palm oil supply. Palm oil is grown in 42 additional countries, highlighting the global importance of palm oil production.

The Malaysian palm oil industry has over 15 laws and regulations, aiming to minimize its environmental impact. Palm oil’s versatility is evident in various industries, including food, personal care, and cosmetics. Its unique fatty acid composition makes it ideal for high-temperature cooking, and its nutritional value is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamin E and Provitamin A, which support immune function and counter free radicals.

 This contributes to its use in various food products, meeting dietary requirements and promoting overall well-being. Dr. Meena Mehta, an Associate professor who is currently working as a visiting Faculty in Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Home Science & Department of Food Science and Nutrition, S.N.D.T Women’s University  expressed her views saying, “Embracing responsible practices, we can harness the power of palm oil to create a healthier, more prosperous future for all.”

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