Nutrihub recognized Nestlé India as “Best industry – product innovation for mainstreaming millets”

Nestlé India was recognized for its innovative product innovation in mainstreaming millets at the prestigious “International Nutri-Cereal Convention 5.0” by Nutrihub, ICAR-IIMR. The event, hosted by Nutrihub and IIMR-ICAR, united stakeholders in the millets eco-system, showcasing Nestlé India’s dedication to excellence and innovation in the food industry, including policymakers, producers, researchers, and NGOs.

Nestlé India’s initiatives to promote millets highlight its commitment to promote sustainable and diverse food options while supporting farmers and local communities, contributing to the betterment of the agricultural sector, and generating positive social impact.

Nestlé India’s millet-focused strategy aims to significantly impact the food industry by promoting sustainable food options, focusing on SDGs like SDG-3, SDG-4, and SDG-5, which all emphasize the importance of good health and well-being. Commenting on the faster adoption of millets, Mr. Suresh Narayanan, Chairman and Managing Director, Nestlé India said, “We believe this momentum of bringing millets or “shree anna” to the forefront needs to be sustained through partnerships between corporates, academics, and authorities.”

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