Not Just Semiconductors, India Can Be Part of Entire Electronics Supply Chain US Commerce Secretary Raimondo US commerce clerk Gina Raimondo on Friday said India can come a part of the entire electronics force chain and not only semiconductors and said that India’s force chain pretensions align with those of the United States. “ India’s desire to expand advanced manufacturing and its presence in the force chains is completely aligned with the United States ’ desire and thing to make our force chain more flexible, ” Gina Raimondo was quoted as saying by Moneycontrol. The Moneycontrol report said that the US commerce clerk following her meeting with counterpart Union minister Piyush Goyal said there are openings in the electronics force chain for India and it isn’t simply limited to semiconductors. She said that during her meeting with Piyush Goyal both ministers bandied green technologies as well as all kinds of tackle that bear the electronic force chain.