Governor of West Bengal Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose soft-launched the book ‘Not An Accidental Rise: Harsh Vardhan Shringla’ in Darjeeling on April 3. Written by Dr Dipmala Roka, the book recounts the life and career trajectory of Former Foreign Secretary of India and currently the Chief Coordinator for India’s G20 Presidency Shri Harsh Vardhan Shingla. As India’s G20 Presidency reaches every state and region of the country, with more than 200 meetings in over 50 cities, the book comes at an appropriate moment to understand the making of the man at the helm of organising the biggest diplomatic event in the history of India.
While delivering his address on the occasion, the Governor of West Bengal stated, “This motivational book should be useful to the youth of Bengal, and of course, to the youth of India”. He also urged that the lives of dedicated public servants such as Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla can instill a sense of responsibility and desirable leadership qualities in the youth. As the 2nd meeting of the Tourism Working Group is also about to conclude in Darjeeling, the Governor hailed Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla, who belongs to Darjeeling, by saying “He was sent by Darjeeling to go and see the world, and now, he is bringing the world to Darjeeling”. In his address, Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla emphasised the role of youth in making India a developed country by the year 2047. He also said that the book is intended to reach out to the younger generation.
The task of condensing a lifetime of learning and evolution of the G20 Chief Coordinator Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla has been undertaken by Dr. Dipmala Roka, who is an Assistant Professor in the Department of International Relations at Sikkim University, Gangtok. In her address she stated, “This book has been written to inspire everyone to believe in themselves as Shri Harsh Vardhan Shringla has done”.