NJMS and Tata Motors Leading the charge against Leprosy

Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj (NJMS), a non-profit organization in Jamshedpur, India, is working tirelessly to prevent and control leprosy, a debilitating disease. With support from Tata Motors, NJMS has been empowering those affected by the disease and making a significant impact in the city. It has achieved significant milestones in reducing the incidence of leprosy in Jamshedpur and the surrounding areas.

Involving over 500 local volunteers, including Tata Motors employees and other like-minded philanthropists, NJMS has had a significant impact on various aspects, such as health, education, employability and livelihood initiatives.

NJMS, a leprosy prevention organization, conducts an annual survey to detect leprosy, reaching 75,000 people. In just three years, cases in Jamshedpur have decreased from 1.5 to 0.5 persons per 1000. Operating in Antyoday Bhawan, NJMS provides free medical care, boarding, and lodging to over 4000 patients, supporting children’s education and livelihood. Mr. Vinod Kulkarni, CSR Head at Tata Motors, emphasises, ” Tata Motors is humbled to support NJMS in this noble endeavour, recognising their invaluable contribution to creating a leprosy-free society. Through collaborative efforts and unwavering dedication, we believe in fostering a future where every individual, regardless of their health challenges, can lead a life of dignity and inclusion.”

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