NIF Translation Fellowship Winners 2024-25 Unveiled in Multilingual Triumph

The New India Foundation (NIF) is pleased to announce the winners of Round 2 of the NIF Translation Fellowships in the 2024-25 cycle. Aimed at encouraging translations from important non-fiction works across 10 Indian languages (Assamese, Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Odia, Tamil, Urdu) to English, the NIF Translation Fellowships showcase the country’s rich history of knowledge texts across diverse literary traditions.

The NIF offers Translation Fellowships, which provide 6 months of stipends to recipients of historical Indian-language texts published after 1850 for English publication. These fellowships also offer editorial and financial support, and the chance to collaborate with the NIF’s Trustees and Language Expert Committee.

The NIF aims to expand its mission by supporting contemporary Indian history through translations, supplementing 33 titles published in the NIF Book Fellowship program. Applications are invited annually between August and December. Speaking on Round 2 of the NIF Translation Fellowships, Srinath Raghavan, Chair of the NIF Fellowships, said: “In this round of Translation Fellowships, we had applications to translate a range of fascinating texts, all of which testify to the diversity of the intellectual resources that are available in this country and which are yet to come into broader circulation.