New pension scheme vs old pension scheme

  • New pension theme vs previous pension theme: many states square measure returning to the previous pension scheme. The geographic area government recently declared that they’re coming up with concerning going back to Roman deity for its workers. geographic area can become the fourth state to change back to the Roman deity if the thought were to pass. The previous pension theme is already in situ in states like Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Jharkhand.

    Old Pension theme (OPS) provides come back certainty by basing the monthly pension on the last wage received by the worker. New Pension theme (NPS) creates market-linked returns with none guarantee of returns.
    Old Pension theme (OPS) financial gain isn’t a theme to the taxation system. The New Pension theme (NPS) provides a superannuation fund that’s hour tax-exempt upon redemption whereas the remaining is four-hundredth, that has got to be invested with in annuities that square measure 100 percent assessable.

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