National Newborn Week 2022: 15 to 21 November

In India, National Newborn Week is well known per annum from fifteen to twenty one Gregorian calendar month. on aims to strengthen the importance of infant health as a priority space of the health sector and scale back morbidity by rising health care conditions for infants within the time of life. the most purpose of celebrating on is to boost awareness concerning the care of newborn babies.

The theme of on is ‘Safety, Quality and Nurturing Care – each Newborn’s Birth Right’. This year’s theme for north northwest has been chosen to make sure reaching each newborn with quality and developmentally confirmatory health care services rendering safety and dignity in the least service delivery platforms – Health Facilities, Community reaching Sessions, and houses etc.

The amount, time of life (first twenty eight days of life) is that the most important and baleful amount for kid survival as this era carries the very best risk of deaths per day than the other period throughout the childhood. the primary month of life is additionally a foundational amount for womb-to-tomb health and development. Healthy ones grow into healthy adults UN agency will thrive and contribute to their communities and societies.

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