The Jan Bhagidari events, launched by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) as the precursor to the upcoming fourth G20 Education Working Group Meet in Pune, saw over 8,00,000 students and faculty members participate in 14,000+ events conducted by over 7,000 institutes. These initiatives are expected to create interest, awareness and participation of common people, including women and youth.
The events are being implemented by 3000+ Government Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), 11,000+ private ITIs, 200+ Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSS), 500+ Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras (PMKKs), 1000+ industry associations, and 100+ Sector Skill Councils across 35 states and union territories. The maximum participation was from ITIs in the first six days, followed by JSS (1,00,000+) and PMKKs (56,000+). Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh witnessed the maximum participation of students and staff (2,50,000+ and 1,00,000 respectively), followed by Chhattisgarh (57,000+), Rajasthan (46,000+), Maharashtra (42,000+) and Madhya Pradesh (39,000+).
The institutions Organised 300+ cyclothos, skill hackathons, showcase competitions, Olympiad and yoga competitions to promote VasudhaivaKutumbakam. Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, said, “I firmly believe in the transformative potential of such initiatives in influencing the G20’s trajectory.”