Mobil 1 TM 50 th Anniversary: Ready for What’s Next

Beyond its role as a lubricant, Mobil 1™ motor oil brand has left an indelible mark on communities and cultures worldwide as it celebrates its 50th anniversary. ExxonMobil’s iconic brand has not only powered engines but has also fueled a sense of community and camaraderie among automotive enthusiasts.

From bustling city streets to remote rural towns, Mobil 1™ has been a constant companion on journeys big and small, uniting drivers from diverse backgrounds under a shared passion for automobiles. Its presence in motorsports has inspired generations of racers and fans alike, fostering a sense of belonging and pride in communities around the globe.As Mobil 1™ commemorates its golden jubilee, it acknowledges the profound cultural and community impact it has had over the past five decades. Through charitable initiatives, educational programs, and grassroots events, Mobil 1™ has continuously given back to the communities that have supported it.

Laura Bustard, Mobil 1 Global Brand Manager, expressed gratitude for the brand’s cultural significance, stating, “Mobil 1™ is more than just a motor oil; it’s a symbol of unity and passion that transcends borders and languages.”Robert Shearer, Director of Global Sponsorships, emphasized Mobil 1’s commitment to community engagement, saying, “Our partnerships and initiatives aim to enrich the lives of individuals and communities worldwide, ensuring that Mobil 1™ continues to make a positive impact for years to come.”

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