Malabar Gold & Diamonds, the 6th largest global jewellery retailer, has launched its centralized base in India, the Malabar National Hub (M-NH), at Andheri East in Mumbai. The facility was inaugurated by Shri Devendra Fadnavis, Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, in the presence of Shri Vijay Darda, former Member of Parliament and Chairman, Lokmat Media Group; Shri K.P. Abdul Salam, Vice Chairman, Malabar Group; Shri Asher O, MD, India Operations; Malabar Gold & Diamonds; and various other officials, management team members, industry partners, and well-wishers. The state-of-the-art facility is located in Mumbai and will serve as the company’s centralized base for operations in India.
Malabar National Hub (M-NH), covering 50,000 sq. ft., manages Malabar Gold & Diamonds’ various operations including retail, procurement, supply chain, e-commerce, digital marketing, CRM, omnichannel, merchandising, corporate gifting, B2B divisions, human resources, and legal.
With plans to launch 32 stores in India and 12 in other countries by FY24. The plan is to invest Rs.1,000 crore and create 4,000 jobs in Maharashtra by FY25. Shri Devendra Fadnavis, Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra expressed, “The opening of Malabar Gold & Diamonds’ national operational base in Mumbai is a strong testimony to the state’s conducive environment for investment and favourable business ecosystem”.