LinkedIn reports the fastest-growing jobs, functions, and industries for fresh graduates in India

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, revealed new data about the fastest growing roles, industries, functions and skills in India. LinkedIn data reveals that design, analytics and programming are the top skills for entry-level roles today.

LinkedIn’s data reveals a diverse range of top jobs for professionals with different educational qualifications. Bachelor’s degree holders can explore roles like Software Engineer, System Engineer and Programming Analyst. A growing number of Masters holders are being hired as Software Engineer and Data Analyst. Those without a degree can find fulfilling careers in roles like Software Engineer, Secretary and Design Engineer.

In 2024, companies are increasingly embracing flexibility, with hybrid positions increasing by 52% for entry-level roles, allowing fresh graduates to choose from a wider range of work arrangements. Utilities is the fastest-growing industry for young professionals with a bachelor’s degree, as per LinkedIn’s Career Starter 2024 report.  Nirajita Banerjee, LinkedIn Career Expert & India Senior Managing Editor said, “These hiring trends reflect broader economic patterns like those in the energy sector. To expand their horizons, job seekers must keep strengthening their skills and networking with professionals”.