KSCDL invites citizens to design Kma streets

As part of “Streets for People Challenge”, the Kohima Smart City Development Limited (KSCDL) has informed that it was rolling an open design led competition for two locations in the city and invited interested citizens to participate in the design competition by registering on https://smartnet.niua.org/indiastreetchallenge/cities/kohima.

In a press release, KSCDL chief executive officer (CEO) Kovi Meyase informed that registration would close on February 12, 2021. He said this was a unique opportunity for citizens “to reimagine our streets, design, win and see their designs implemented on the ground.”

CEO said the designs would be examined by a Jury Panel comprised of experts in architecture, landscaping and urban planning and results would be declared by March 15, 2021.

Flagship Pilot site: Kohima Walkable Street – NST to Razhu Point covering 330m.

Neighbourhood Pilot Site: BOC Market – PHQ Traffic Booth to BOC Market Area covering 93m.

Prizes would include 1st Prize of 15000, 2nd prize of 10000, 3rd prize of 5000, Gold Mention of 2500 and Honourable Mentions with certificates (five entries) for both the locations.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs had launched the “Streets for People Challenge” to inspire cities to create walking friendly streets through quick measures and to reimagine their streets as public spaces through the lens of economic regeneration, safety and child friendly interventions with inclusive designing.

KSCDL with the core committee comprising of representatives from wards, citizen groups, professionals and city officials had organized Open Streets campaign around the city between October and November 2020 to create awareness about the need to share street spaces with Cyclists, Pedestrians and citizens including children, aged people and people with disabilities and also for trees, plants and nature.

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