Kai India, the Indian subsidiary of KAI, has launched a new knife print ad campaign featuring Managing Director, Rajesh U Pandya, wearing a Kabuki mask, showcasing their 115-year legacy in premium kitchenware. This exceptional campaign promises to embrace the essence of Kabuki, a classical form of Japanese theater, creating a visually captivating and culturally rich experience.
Kabuki is a classical form of Japanese theatre, mixing dramatic performance with traditional dance. Kabuki theatre is known for its heavily stylised performances, its glamorous, highly decorated costumes, and for the elaborate kumadori make-up worn by some of its performers. Mr. Rajesh U Pandya, Managing Director of Kai India and a fan of Ichikawa Danjuro XIII, expressed his admiration for the innovative campaign. He said, “This is my second campaign for the brand, and I believe it reinforces our commitment to innovation and celebrating the artistry that sets Kai apart.”
Kai India, with over 3.15 crore knives sold globally, is poised to continue its journey of embodying Japanese culture and showcasing exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Kai India, a global leader in the kitchenware industry, is set to unveil an upcoming print campaign that showcases their commitment to excellence and creativity.