Jio-bp announced the launch of its diesel with ACTIVE technology, set to elevate diesel standards for Indian consumers. The newly launched additivised diesel, available across the company’s network will yield annual savings of up to INR 1.1 lakh per vehicle to truckers owing to (upto) 4.3% improved fuel economy. This new high performance diesel offering will be available at all Jio-bp outlets and will be offered at regular prices with no additional cost for the first time ever in the Indian market.
Diesel at Jio-bp outlets with ACTIVE technology helps reduce the risk of unscheduled maintenance caused by dirt build up and removes existing dirt from critical engine parts and protects against its build up with ongoing use. It is designed to work across a range of commercial vehicles, and with ongoing use it offers a variety of benefits to drivers and fleet owners. It helps restore and maintain the power of the engine with ongoing use while also reducing the risk of unscheduled vehicle maintenance.
Diesel at Jio-bp with ACTIVE technology is specially designed for Indian vehicles and driving conditions to fight harmful engine dirt and clean the engine as you drive, starting from the very first fill. Our exclusive, internationally developed ACTIVE technology fights dirt in two clever ways: (1) ACTIVE molecules attach to existing dirt and drag it away from critical engine parts. The dirt mixes with the fuel and is then safely burnt in the engine, (2) ACTIVE molecules also attach to clean metal surfaces in engines, forming a protective layer which helps stop dirt binding onto the metal.