Itel has launched its S23+, its first 3D curved AMOLED Display Smartphone in the 15K segment, priced at INR 12,999 with bank offers. The smartphone is designed to match the style quotient of Gen Z and features an in-display fingerprint sensor. The online sale will be available exclusively on Amazon India from 6th October, with a special launch offer of free itel T11 earbuds worth Rs 2399. The itel S23+ is a unique offering in this price range.
The itel S23+ is a premium smartphone with a 3D curved AMOLED display, 240 Hz touch sampling rate, and storage options of up to 256GB+16GB. It features a 32MP ultra-clear front camera with flash and a powerful 50MP rear camera. The device also features Dynamic Island for notifications and Gorilla Glass 5, providing 4 times more resistance to drops than standard glass screens.
Itel is aiming to enter the INR 15K smartphone market, catering to the discerning tastes of the youth demographic, offering a premium and unparalleled experience. Commenting on the launch, CEO, itel India, Mr. Arijeet Talapatra, said, “Mobile devices have evolved beyond mere tools; they have seamlessly integrated into the entertainment and lifestyles of the new Bharat.”