ITC Sunfeast Mom’s Magic shares happiness hack with #HugHerMore campaign

Sunfeast Mom’s Magic has launched nationwide campaign #HugHerMore, with an objective to encourage everyone to hug their moms more frequently. Sunfeast Mom’s Magic conducted a survey with 321 participants across Delhi, Bengaluru and Mumbai in collaboration with Crownit to ascertain how hugging one’s mother, has changed over the years.

The results of the survey shows that the frequency of hugging their mom when they were a kid vs now reduced by 31% for the Gen Zs and by 33% for the millennials. Students hug their mothers more than working professionals. It also shows that hugging one’s child stands at 6 times per week, frequency of hugging spouse is approximately 5 times per week where as hugging mothers is about 3 times a week.

The survey saw participation from age groups of 13 to 35, both males and females. Speaking about the survey and the social experiment campaign, Mr. Ali Harris Shere, Chief Operating Officer, Biscuits & Cakes Cluster, Foods Division, ITC Ltd., said, “Our campaign, #HugHerMore is aimed to encourage everyone to hug their moms more often. Infact, our social experiment shows that hugging his mom gave a boost of happiness to the participant. As the New Year progresses, we shouldtake a pledge to hug our mothers more just as we did when we were children.”

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