Israel Defense Forces found a terrorist base and supplies belonging to Hamas inside mosque

The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) reported on its continued assaults on terrorist bases in Gaza over the past day. This includes a raid carried out on a mosque in Gaza where forces found a terrorist base and supplies belonging to Hamas. The 12th Battalion of the IDF’s Golani infantry brigade actually conducted this raid. In reality this is very sad news as people are fighting with each other and war is going on.

Today we are living in a modern world and it is not the time of any war. People should learn to live peacefully so that we can get a better future. Right now our world is in danger as different types of wars are going on and the most important thing is about nuclear weapons. As today many nation have nuclear weapon and due to this reason this war can become very dangerous. We should not be selfish and think of everyone so that we can stop this type of activity and live happily in this world.

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